What our State Alarm II Contractor Exam Prep Includes:
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The certification examinations for those persons desiring to be licensed as alarm system contractors pursuant to Section 489.505(2), F.S., shall consist of the same areas of competency and be graded in the same manner as the certification examination for electrical contractors, except that the technical portion of the examination shall relate only to alarm contracting.
UL 681 - Installation and Classification of Burglar and Holdup Alarm Systems
RN20 - UL 681 – Installation and Classification of Burglar and Holdup Alarm Systems, 2001-2 text and amendments. This text is available as a PDF file free of charge to exam eligible Alarm One, Alarm Two, and Unlimited candidates only. (See RN21 also). Please email your request for a single copy of UL 681 and UL 365 to ELC.Reference@dbpr.state.fl.us Make one combined request for UL 681 and UL 365.
UL 365 - Police Station Connect. Burg. Alarm Units
RN21 - UL 365 – Police Station Connected Burglar Alarm Units and Systems, 2001-2 text and amendments through March 2005. This text is available as a PDF file free of charge to exam eligible Alarm One, Alarm Two, and Unlimited candidates only. Please email your request for a single copy of UL 681 and UL 365 to ELC.Reference@dbpr.state.fl.us Make one combined request for UL 681 and UL 365.